The Small in Fall

As of this past week, it has officially been fall weather for days in a row. I mean the good fall weather where leaves are fluttering down from the trees, crisp air gives you small chills, and heating systems finally get turned on for our little homes. Another season has changed. Fall has arrived again, and to be honest, it’s about a few weeks overdue. 
There is something about this season of the year where community becomes a little more special. Whether it’s cookies and milk in our pajamas or gathering at the coffee shop in the afternoon, spending time during this season with my community of friends is special. I took a trip this past weekend to visit my friends from my community college. During the weekend, I kept reflecting on how precious times like those are. It is easy to get caught up in the heat of the beginning of the school year - tests, papers, homework. Or, in my case, lesson plans, lesson plans, and more lesson plans. It begins to get overwhelming and build up at such a fast pace that it’s almost impossible to catch a breath - then just in time, as if on cue, a leaf falls. As the leaf falls, it begins to take the temperature down with it. And as the temperature drops, life begins to slow back down. The rush of assignments begins to slowly (let me repeat that: slowly) become completed tasks. Schedules become more bearable. But what tops all of that: time slows down just enough to be able to enjoy smallness again. 
We have all heard the seasons of weather compared to the seasons of life, but can we all just dwell on how wonderful it is that all types of seasons change? When reminiscing on past seasons of life, I’m thankful for the seasons that stretched me. However, I’m even more thankful for the seasons that came after them...the seasons where the growth from being stretched gets put to use and a beautiful harvest is seen. 
Just like with this change of seasons. 
One afternoon this week, I went to Walmart to get groceries. For my ride home, I searched “Fall” for genres on Spotify. (Yep, I am that person.) A station called “Jazz for Autumn” came up, and as cheesy as it sounds, it was the perfect partner for driving in fall weather. It was a moment where you are reassured that life was meant for those kinds of experiences. And in the midst of that, realizing how in control our God is for us to be able to enjoy those simple moments. We are able to put aside our constant thoughts of what comes next and just rest in a moment of pure bliss. 
As fall continues to make its appearance, let’s all remember to grab that afternoon tea with our own little communities and live in the small moments. All with the background soundtrack of “Jazz for Autumn.”


  1. Beautiful !! We all need to take a break and enjoy the season of life we may be in .. Love you granddaughter of mine .


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